從新出發 Re-start





I decided to start writing this blog again. This time, I will write in both Chinese and English. I make this as my writing practice. I’m going to tell you what happened.

I enroll to an English class in community college. However, I met a ‘strict’ and mean teacher. The class starts at 9 am. He asks us to be on time, not even allow 1 minute late, otherwise he will kick you out from the classroom but asks you come back after class. He also has many rules which is not related to English learning (at least in my point of view). For example, he asks you to use a particular notebook from assigned store; asks you print you homework which you wrote on your notebook, but he is not always read through your work; he will ask you print two copies of your homework, one for submission and one for self revision, however, you turn in the homework at the beginning of the class, he gave you back your work at the end of the class? Why need to make two copies then?

It is very stressful to me and I can’t stand for his rules, especially wasting so many paper. (Of course, I didn’t mention he won’t accept e-book, he needs you present your books in class.) This is only class left that fit my schedule. If I don’t take it, I have to wait until Sept to take the same class. It is wasting many of my time but I feel like I have no choice. I will be extremely nervous if I carry on with the class.

That’s why I restart my blog so I have the platform and reason to practice my writing.


上星期五婆婆回港了, 星期一係細佬出世後媽咪咪第一天一對二。總算無餓親自己同兩個細路。不過, 就覺得小公主好可憐, 全日就自己一個玩呀, 睇電視呀咁, 媽咪咪都無時間同佢玩, 又帶唔到佢去上芭蕾舞堂。其實細佬都好乖,  只係實在太多嘢做。夜晚入佢個房仲發現個房好整齊。媽咪咪真係好肉痛。


第一次煮, 都係睇咗幾個食譜再找個方便自己嘅做法。

1. 急涷鮑魚放下格雪柜解涷一日左右;

2. 用牙刷把外鮑魚洗淨;

3. 將雞﹑瘦肉及鮑魚用薑蔥出水; (我先將雞及瘦肉出水, 取出後才將鮑魚放入, 因為鮑魚出水後會有一些白色泡沫在水中);

4. 將出水後的雞﹑瘦肉及鮑魚放入滾水用大火煲至水再滾, 收慢火煲至鮑魚稔身;

5. 湯完成。

6. 取出瘦肉﹑鮑魚及適量鮑魚雞湯放另一個煲(我用瓦煲, 相信其他煲都可以), 加入蠔油﹑冰糖大火煮滾後, 熄火, 焗三十分鐘, 再開火煮滾後, 熄火, 焗三十分鐘, 如是者三至四次。再煮滾後唔攬, 唔開蓋, 焗一晚。第日食前滾至收汁即可。唔食住就放雪柜到食時滾至收汁。

效果: 個湯好正。鮑魚味道可以, 但比較實。可能個湯唔好煲咁耐, 轉為煲一陣, 焗一陣。

麻花貝雷帽 (Basque hat in "Nepal" with cables.)

這帽不難織, 只係自己織得太慢, 織好天氣已經暖和了。但仍希望農曆新年可以戴嚟應吓節。

帽係媽咪咪織比自己嘅, 只係請公主做model影張相。

材料: STITCH NATION by Debbie Stoller™ “Bamboo Ewe” (55% viscose from bamboo and 45% wool) 2 球 (有剩);

顏色:  5280 Geranium;

織針: Susan Bates Silvalume Circular Knitting Needle 32” 4.5mm (US 7); Double point needles 3mm (帽邊用)+ 4.5mm (完功用)

織圖: 按這裡。